New media?

Posted: April 10, 2011 by tym396 in Uncategorized
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This past Thursday something really cool was unveiled–a webpage!

BeScene is considering taking things (almost) completely virtual! Our co-ordinator has been working on a basic template of our soon-to-become website! Postings and uploads from this blog will be moved to the new site shortly, as soon as everything’s finalized.

Right now the team’s trying to come up with ideas with regards to the aesthetic side of things, i.e. the colour scheme/graphics.  If any of our readers out there are handy with Photoshop, or something, or has any ideas/suggestions of what they’d like to see up on the site please email your suggestions to bescenemag[at]gmail[dot]com. We love getting mail, and your input’s always appreciated!

Also, our Gender issue is close to being finalized. A cover idea has been decided upon, and the layout (content-wise) is all neat and tidy…we’re really looking forward to this issue’s Launch Party! (That being said, if any of our readers have pictures of socks, please send them in. We’ll explain later. Or maybe things will become more self-explanatory once the issue’s out. )


Look out for our new website!


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