Archive for April 15, 2011

A countdown…

Posted: April 15, 2011 by tym396 in Uncategorized

…to the launch of our new website! The BeScene editorial committee sat down today, at the FHC and discussed our final plans for the upcoming issue, called Exploring Gender. We took pictures and discussed a possible cover-page idea, and we can’t wait to unveil the issue at our next launch party.

The layout of our pages has also been finalized. Just a few more changes, and this issue’ll be off to the presses! I know. We all can’t wait either.

The new BeScene website will be up shortly. On it will be online versions of our previous issues, as well as pictures of who we are/what we do. It’s going to be really, really cool, even though it’s currently under construction… So please do send in any suggestions/comments, especially regarding the content and colour scheme!

Cool things will be happening. And very shortly, too. Don’t forget to keep checking back for weekly updates!
